The research reports on this page have been produced from a variety of sources including: undergraduate and graduate student researchers, research interns, and visiting scientists.
Contact with any questions regarding the research found on this page.
- Botany
- Ecology
- Geology, Meteorology, & Hydrology
- Forestry
- Land Use and Social Context
- Mycology
- Zoology – Amphibians & Reptiles
- Zoology – Birds
- Zoology – Invertebrates
- Zoology – Mammals
- Collaborations
Ibbotson, Rowan. 2023. Vascular plant community structure of regenerated Cloud Forest in the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. – Cambridge University
Evers, Kees. 2021. Liana abundancy in forests of different ages in Costa Rica – Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Esch, Clarice. 2013. Gunnera at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve. – Western Kentucky University
Mazzolari, Ana C.. 2008. Invasive Plant Species of Cloudbridge Reserve.
Medrano, Jacqueline Z.. 2008. Project Follow-Up Report: Sampling and Identification of the Flora of a Cloud Forest reserve in Costa Rica. – Arizona State University
Medrano, Jacqueline Z.. 2007. Sampling and identification of the flora of a cloud forest reserve in Costa Rica. – Arizona State University
Valliere, Debbie L. and Dario A. Elliott. 2007. Determinates of Canopy Epiphyte Abundance in a Primary Lower Montane Cloud Forest in Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica.
Wolinsky, Cara. 2004. Flowering Bromeliads of the Chirripo National Park Region.
Bode, Noa. 2023. Effects of Altitude, Forest Type and Tree Microhabitat on Epiphytes in a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest. – Wageningen University & Research
Ostertag et al. 2021. Litter decomposition rates across tropical montane and lowland forests are controlled foremost by climate.
Frehner, Alena. 2018. The Influence of Habitat Factors on Species Richness and Abundance of Animals in a Montane Cloud Forest. – Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Vanderwalle, Cyrielle. 2017. Mammal and Sapling Trees Interactions. – AgroSup Dijon
Van Meter, Lara. 2016. An Analysis of the Invasive Potential of Cupressus lusitanica and Its Effects on the Chemical Properties of the Surrounding Soils. – University of Colorado at Boulder
Schoettlé, Guillaume. 2012. Study of the Distribution of Animal Species in a Rainforest. – AgroSup Dijon
Taylor, Joseph and Stewart A. White. 2007. Observations of hummingbird feeding behavior at flowers of Heliconia beckneri and H. tortuosa in Southern Costa Rica. – University of Glasgow
Taylor, Joseph. 2005. Do Sympatric Heliconias Attract the Same Species of Hummingbird? Observations on the Pollination Ecology of Heliconia beckneri and H. tortuosa at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve. – University of Glasgow
Grobben, Yorrick. 2022. Forest Regeneration on previous pasture land in the Talamanca Mountain Range, Costa Rica. – Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Petch, Benjamin. 2021. Habitat assessment in a tropical montane cloud forest, Costa Rica – Bangor University.
Hoving, Max. 2019. Tree species comparison in planted, naturally regenerated and old growth cloud forests. – Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Laan, Chiel van der. 2018. Forest assessment of planted, naturally regenerated and primary tropical cloud forest. – Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Lefebvre, Cléa. 2018. Comparaison de peuplements issus de regeneration naturelle et de plantation. (Difference in structure and characteristics between plantation and natural regeneration habitats.) – Agro Paris Tech
Fleer, Michon. 2017. Reforestation practices at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica. – Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Sanden, Mathijs van der. 2017. Habitat assessment of planted, naturally regenerated and primary tropical cloud forest. – Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Barz, Marian. 2016. Forest succession and fruit availability in planted and natural regenerated areas of Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica. – Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
DeLyser, Kendall. 2015. Assessing the Effectiveness of Reforestation Efforts in the Tropical Montane Cloud Forest of Costa Rica.
Lehmann, Stephen. 2014. Untersuchung zur Eignung von Baumarten und waldbaulichen Verfahren für Restaurationsmaßnahmen im Nebelwaldgebiet Costa Ricas. (Evaluation of the Suitability of Certain Tree Species and Silvicultural Approaches for the Establishment of Restoration Areas of a Montane Oak Cloud Forest of Costa Rica). German with English (p.188) and Spanish (p. 200) summaries – Technische Universität Dresden (Dresden University of Technology)
Fröling, Marloes. 2012. Weed Suppression in Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica. – Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Spek, Michiel and Tijmen Hoogendijk. 2011. Cloud Forest Recovery – Evaluation at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica. – Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Bol, Matthijs and Dennis Vroomen. 2008. The Succession of Pasture Land into Original Cloud Forest – In the pre-mountain area of Costa Rica.
Lehmann, Stephan. 2007. Tree Monitoring and Growth Analysis at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve (Forestry Economics and a Comparison of the Growth of Tropical Tree Species in the First Three Years of Growth). – University of Dresden
Isotupa, Olli. 2005. An Evaluation of Forestry Methods at Cloudbridge: Comparison with commonly used and recommended forestry methods in tropical forests, especially in Costa Rica.
Polach, Ivo and Marco A.O. Rojas. 2004. Monitoring and Assessment of Biodiversity at the Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica, Interim Project Report.
– Smithsonian Institution Monitoring and Assessment of Biodiversity Program & Herbarium of Universidad Nacional Heredia
Geology, Meteorology, & Hydrology Studies
Redman, Arran. 2019. Regulating services of successional forest types in tropical montane cloud forests in the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica (Master’s dissertation). – Bangor University
Pfammatter, Prisca. 2017. Tropical montane cloud forest soils: A soil study in Cloudbridge Nature Reserve.
Whitley, Matthew. 2013. Cloudbridge Meteorological Update 2013.
Whitley, Matthew. 2013. Rainfall Variation Based on Forest Type.
Glide, Kailen. 2011. An Analysis of the Dissolved Oxygen and Volume Flow in Jilguero Stream, Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica.
Davis, Emily. 2009. Hydrogeology of an Upper Montane Tropical Forest. – SUNY New Paltz
Schembre, Charles. 2009. Soil Types and Fundamental Soil Properties of a Costa Rican Tropical Montane Cloud Forest.
Tingerthal, John, Sebastian Culbreth, Jessican Schwartz, and Tom Gode. 2007. GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Studies and Maps of Cloudbridge.
Giddy, Ian. 2006. Rainfall and Temperature.
Souers, Joanna. 2004. A Preliminary Study of Stream Chemistry on the Rio Chirripó Pacifico from the Chirripo National Park to Canaan, Costa Rica.
Land Use and Social Context
Gerolemou, Rosie. 2018. Reducing conflict between livestock owners and predators in Costa Rica. [Gente y carnívoros en Costa Rica.]
Rudman, Alexie, Emillee Hernandez, and Nainika Lamba. 2015. The Salstenible Project. – Borderless World Volunteers, McGill University
Marciano, Oren. 2010. Evaluación del Impacto del Ecoturismo Sobre las Actitudes y Creencias Relacionadas a la Vida Silvestre y, la Conservación de los Recursos Naturales, En Cuatro Comunidades Costarricenses. (Evaluation of the Impact of Ecotourism on the Attitudes and Beliefs Related to Wildlife and the Conservation of Natural Resources in Four Costa Rican Communities). – Universidad Nacional (National University)
Culbreth, Sebastian. 2007. Relationships Between Land Uses and Water Quality in Costa Rica: An analysis of the San Gerardo de Rivas watershed and the Chirripo River.
Culbreth, Sebastian Gonzalez and Tom Newman. 2007. Chirripó Valley Land Use Study – Watershed Analysis/ Análisis de Cuenca Hidrográfico, San Gerardo de Rivas, Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica. – A study facilitated by Cloudbridge Nature Reserve/ Una investigación facilitada por la Reserva Cloudbridge.
Stoll, Angelika. 2006. Sustainable Use of Forest Resources.
Schwartz, Jessica. 2004. Land Use at Cloudbridge and Vicinity.
van Eerd, Ruby. 2022. Macrofungal diversity and abundance in three different forest types in Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica. – Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Saunier, Baptiste. 2016. Etude Mycologique au Sein de la Foret de Cloudbridge (Costa Rica) (Mycology Study in the Cloudbridge Forest (Costa Rica)). – Université des Sciences et Techniques de Limoges (Science and Technical University of Limoges)
Carr, Reana. 2005. Mycorrhizal Density Differences in a Costa Rican Reforestation Project. – Cornell University
Zoology – Amphibians and Reptiles
Hahn, Paula. 2023-24. The Influence of Elevation and Habitat on Herpetofauna Species Abundance and Diversity in Cloudbridge Nature Reserve. – Hochschule Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences
Peterson, Madelyn. 2023. Effects of introduced breeding ponds on reproductive behaviors and populations of frogs. – Collaboration with SINAC
de Esch, Jerome. 2023. Pitfall trap research on amphibian and reptile density and diversity around artificial ponds in a Cloud forest. – Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Kauffmann, Emilie. 2015. Frog Survey During the Wet Season in Primary and Secondary Forests. – Engineering School of Agronomy and Food Process
van Kessel, Jasper. 2015. Herpetofauna survey secondary and primary forest. – Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Lau, Yan-Yee. 2012. Assessing the Species Composition Abundance of Anurans in Secondary Tropical Forests. – University of York
Cousineau, Susan. 2007. Cloudbridge Herpetofauna Survey: Part 1, Amphibians.
Jacobs, Toby. 2007. A Survey of Anuran Distribution in a Costa Rican Cloud Forest. – James Madison University
Michelsohn, Moses, Stephanie Sunderman, Pradip Ananda, Guy III (Trey) Kieckerhefer, and Christopher Wilkinson. 2007. Cloudbridge Herpetological Survey.
Zoology – Birds
Modrok, Berit. 2023. Comparison of bird diversity in old, young secondary and planted Tropical Montane Cloud Forest, with focus on migratory birds. – Hochschule Bremen University of Applied Sciences
Jackson, Fergus. 2023. Hummingbird behavioral study. – Nottingham Trent University
Tovar Heid, Miriam. 2023. Comparing point counts and line transects as an effective bird survey method. – Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applies Sciences
Womack, Benjamin. 2023. The affect of time of day and forest type on bird activity and diversity in a cloud forest. – University of Plymouth
Reessink, Luuck. 2022. Effects of an artificial feeder on the behavior of hummingbirds. – Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences
Powell, Jennifer; Slifkin, Jonathan; Spooner, Frank; Roth, Jeffrey; Allnatt, Laurie; Andrews, Ryan; Smokoska, Matt. 2022. Bird species inventory in secondary tropical montane cloud forest at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica. Check List – the journal of biodiversity data
Van Riessen, Harold. 2021. Bird diversity in a montane cloud forest reserve, Costa Rica – Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences
Elliott, Harry, Charlotte Smith and Ethan Clotfelter. 2020. Charlotte Smith and Harry Elliott (researchers at Cloudbridge in early 2019) have published a paper in Ornitología Tropical documenting behavior seen at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve. They observed hummingbirds feeding on fruits, an almost undocumented behaviour for hummingbirds and the first ever documented for these species. Hummingbird Frugivory in a Costa Rican Cloud Forest.
Elliott, Harry, and Charlotte Smith. 2019. Hummingbird Diets in a Mountain Cloud Forest Reserve.
Slifkin, Jonathan. 2019. Surveys of Mixed Species Feeding Flocks in Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica: A progress report.
Montgomery, Graham A., Frank Spooner, and Benjamin G. Freeman. 2018. Apparent cooperative breeding at a nest of the Silvery-throated Jay (Cyanolyca argentigula) and first nest description. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130(2): 543-547.
Roy, Éloïse. 2018. Owl survey at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve. – Université de Sherbrooke
Straub, Alyce. 2018. Resplendent Quetzal Literature Review
Williams, Úna. 2018. Comparison of avian flight initiation distances at trails within a Costa Rican cloud forest. – Queen’s University of Belfast
Cannon, Laura. 2017. The Effect of an Artificial Feeder on Hummingbird Behaviour. – University of Salford Manchester
Kane, Spencer, Neil Hancart, and Jennifer R. Powell. 2017. Bird Monitoring Study Data Report: January – February 2017.
Powell, Jennifer R. 2017. Bird monitoring study data report: Jan 2013 – Dec 2016.
Sutley, Amy and Baley Good. 2017. Bird monitoring study data report: July 3 – August 18, 2017. October.
Thierry, Mélanie. 2016. The Effectiveness of Tropical Cloud Forest Restoration on Bird Community at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica.
Rabone, Anna and Christian Staunton. 2015. Hummingbird Behavioural Study at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve.
Stanley, Richard. 2012. Effects of Habitat Disturbance On A Montane Bird Community. – Harvard University
Dibala, Ryan. 2007. Avifaunal Diversity in Various Habitat Types in Costa Rican Montane Cloud Forest with the Implementation of CyberTracker.
Paradis, Eugene D.. 2007. A Survey of Tropical Owl Population Density and the Vocal Behavior of the Mottled Owl (Strix Virgata) In a Partially Fragmented Cloud Forest Habitat.
Marcy, Nathan.2007a. Cloudbridge Bird Diversity and Distribution: Mist Netting and Banding. July.
Marcy, Nathan.2007b. Bird Diversity at Cloudbridge: A Preliminary Report.
Marcy, Nathan. 2004. Bird Diversity and Distribution Avifauna Diversity at Cloudbridge.
Zoology – Invertebrates
Watkins, Kristen. 2024. Comparative Analysis of Moth Diversity in Different Forest Succession Stages with Focus on Sphingidae.
Meunier, Anaëlle. 2023. Study of benthic communities in Cloudbridge’s water streams and impacting factors. – University of Lille
van der Bel, Tess. 2023. Influence of bait preference on abundance and species richness of butterflies. Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences
Doepker, Colin. 2022. Community Diversity of Butterflies and their Compositions Factors across Three Habitat Types in a Neotropical Montane Cloud Forest.
Prehn, Samantha. 2022. The Relationship Between Leaf Litter and the Biodiversity of Arthropods in the Four
Forest Types of the Cloud Forest.
Powell, Jennifer R. and Nina Champion. 2019. Butterfly bait preference in Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica.
Wells, Lucy, Ellie Brown, Rosa Sutcliffe, Sophie Darnton, Chloe Pasquill, Tamar Lennard, Jack Burton & Rhys Kaye. 2019. First investigations into moth diversity at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve. – University of Exeter & Falmouth University
Poznansky, Frederica and Jennifer R. Powell. 2017. Comparison of diversity, richness, and relative abundance of dung beetles in Cloudbridge Nature Reserve. (Spanish)
Memory, Andrew E.. 2009. Effects of Reforestation on Benthic Macroinvertebrate Diversity and Assemblage in Costa Rican Headwater Streams.
Peckmezian, Tina. 2009. A Baseline Study of the Spider Fauna at a Costa Rican Cloud Forest Reserve.
Henning, Bridget. 2008. Odonata of Cloudbridge: An inventory of dragonflies and damselflies in various habitats.
Rathbone, Sarah. 2007. The Lepidoptera Diversity of a Lower Mountain Cloud Forest In Costa Rica.
Vey, Aiden. 2007. Adaptations of Insects at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve.
Sheehan, Emily. 2007. Diversity and Abundance of Subsoil and Leaf Litter Invertebrates Across Different Levels of Disturbance in a Costa Rican Cloud Forest.
Brown, Alison. 2006. Effects of Habitat Alteration and Seasonal Variation on the Abundance and Diversity of Pterygota at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica.
Rosser, Nick. 2006. Effects of Habitat Alteration on the Abundance and Diversity of Pterygota at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica.
Zoology – Mammals
Bodson, Eléonore. 2024. The impact of tourism on the richness, abundance and diversity of terrestrial mammals, using camera traps. – University of Liege – Belgium, Faculty of sciences
Peterson, Madelyn; Ilott-Baudon, Louise. 2024. First Record of a Tailless Puma at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve. – Published in Cat News, a peer-reviewed newsletter within the IUCN SSG Cat Specialist Group
Wills, Molly. 2023. Behavioral Study of Dice’s Cottontail. – Nottingham Trent University
Komatsuzaki, Samantha. 2023. Testing the Effectiveness of Arboreal Camera Trapping Methodologies. – Dalhousie University
van de Walle, Isa. 2023. Diversity and species richness in old versus new growth forests using camera trapping. – Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Bevilacqua, Oliver. 2023. Factors that influence mammal abundance and diversity using camera trapping.
Ilott-Baudon, Louise. 2023. Analysing Camera Trap Results on Mammals at Different Locations within Cloudbridge Nature Reserve. – University of the West of England
Gaston, Adam. 2022. Asocial and social behavior of White-nosed Coati (Nasua narica) at high and low altitude within the Talamanca mountains, Costa Rica.
Nicolau, Patrícia. 2022. Microhabitat preference of the White-nosed Coati (Nasua narica) in a Costa Rican Cloud Forest. – Anglia Ruskin University
Smith, Georgia. 2021. Estimating the diversity of bird and mammal communities using camera traps in a cloud forest environment, Costa Rica – University of Plymouth
Romp, Marissa. 2019. A comparative study of different methodologies to determine mammal density in a cloud forest, Costa Rica. – Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
te Beek, Ramon. 2018. A habitat suitability study for sloth species Bradypus variegatus and Choloepus hoffmanni in Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica. – Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Roubert-Olive, Jade. 2018. White-nosed coati learning and problem-solving behaviour, Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica. – AgroSup Dijon
Meijboom, Wouter. 2013. High Altitude Cloud Forest: A Suitable Habitat for Sloths? – Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Cailly, Caroline, Benoit Duffay, and Margaux Mazille. 2010. Medium and Large Mammal Monitoring. (Suivi des Moyens et Grands Mammiferes.)
Marrocoli, Sergio. 2007. Small mammal assemblages at different levels of disturbance on the Cloudbridge Reserve.
Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación (SINAC). 2018. Estado de conservación del jaguar (Panthera onca) en Costa Rica a través de la integración de datos de registros de la especie y modelaje del hábitat idóneo. Proyecto MAPCOBIO-SINAC-JICA-Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica. (Conservation status of the Jaguar (Panthera onca) in Costa Rica through the integration of species records data and modelling of the ideal habitat)
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