

Cloudbridge offers a rich experience in a beautiful and biodiverse part of the world, whether you want to do your own research; contribute to some of our existing, ongoing research projects; or contribute your existing skills and learn new ones while volunteering. While at the reserve, you’ll meet and work with like-minded people from all over the world, each with a passion for the environment and their own experiences and expertise to share.

The volunteer or intern experience gained here often furthers academic or career goals. However, you do not need a background in biology or environmental studies in order to contribute. Whatever your skills are, we can put them to good use!

Volunteers taking a break and enjoying the view of the cloudforest from Vulture Rock.
Volunteers taking a break and enjoying the view of the cloudforest from Vulture Rock.

Everyone gets hands-on learning around forest recovery and conservation, sees the progress of the plantation, hikes the Reserve’s steep slopes and enjoys the views of the valleys and waterfalls. 100% of your contribution goes directly to cloud forest reforestation, education and protection.

My time at Cloudbridge will be something I treasure forever. I will definitely recommend volunteering here as I learned so much and it was a brilliant way to experience the wildlife of Costa Rica as well as integrate into the local community through activities like the car washing fundraiser we did for the Women’s Basketball team. Thank you so much to all the staff for making my experience so enjoyable and sharing laughs and stories. (Cloudbridge Volunteer, 2023)

There are three ways you can volunteer or research at Cloudbridge:

  • Research intern: Contribute to one of Cloudbridge’s ongoing research projects (according to availability), or design your own project and methodology with guidance from the science staff.
  • Independent researcher: Propose and conduct your own research (no guidance needed).
  • Investigadores de Costa Rica / Costa Rican Researchers: Participantes Nacionales recibirán un 50% de descuento en las tarifas del programa. Ver detalles a continuación. Reduced accommodation for Costa Rican researchers. See details below.
  • Volunteer: Help the reserve in a variety of ways, according to our needs, and your abilities and interests. This may include planting trees, trail or reserve maintenance, construction projects or assisting tourists.
  • Group Volunteering: Short-term group projects that combine learning about the cloud forest with a service project. See the Education section for more information.
Cloudbridge volunteers, independent researchers, and research interns heading out to help the community of San Gerardo de Rivas prepare food for the big Chirripó Race (Carrera Chirripó).

Investigadores de Costa Rica / Costa Rican Researchers

Con el fin de apoyar la investigación de Costa Rica, Cloudbridge proporciona espacios dormitorios en un 50% de descuento a ciudadanos costarricenses que deseen venir a Cloudbridge para llevar a cabo investigación . Para aplicar, presenta una propuesta de proyecto que incluye: su nombre, universidad u organización afiliada, las fechas de inicio y termino preferidas , metas y objetivos del estudio y una metodología preliminar. Las propuestas pueden presentarse en español o en inglés. Sin embargo, si la propuesta es presentada en español, por favor incluye un breve resumen en inglés. Para verificar fechas disponibles y para obtener más información, póngase en contacto

In order to support Costa Rican research, Cloudbridge provides dormitory spaces at a 50% discount to Costa Rican nationals who would like to come to Cloudbridge to conduct research. To apply, submit a project proposal which includes: your name, affiliated university or organization, preferred start and end dates, aims and objectives of the study, and a preliminary methodology. Proposals can be submitted in either Spanish or English. However, if the project proposal is submitted in Spanish, please provide a brief summary in English. To check available dates and to find out more, contact

Accommodations and Costs
The housing fee is dependent on the length of a participant´s stay and includes Wi-Fi, hot showers, shared bath, and shared kitchen.  As of January 2023 our rates are as follows:  $18 USD per day for stays 12 weeks and over, .$20 per day for stays of between 4 to 12 weeks and $24 USD for stays of under 4 weeks.  Food costs and cooking are the responsibility of the individual volunteer/researcher, most of whom can eat a basic, mostly vegetarian diet for around $8 USD per day. Most people stay in shared rooms, although some private rooms with queen beds may be available (subject to current occupancy) for an additional fee. Housing fees are paid in full upon arrival, or one month in advance to the Cloudbridge Manager.

A $200 “good faith” fee is required prior to being accepted as a volunteer or researcher. This fee will be credited toward your accommodation fees for the last 2 weeks of your stay. The fee is payable through the Donate page.

Please note that our intake day is Sunday, meaning you will only be able to be picked up and join the rest of the participants on Sundays. Please plan your trip accordingly.

For more information on living at Cloudbridge, see Plan Your Trip.

One of the volunteer and researcher dormitories.
One of the volunteer and researcher dormitories.

Cloudbridge welcomes all races, religions, countries of origin, sexual orientations, genders, and abilities.  We encourage discussion and sharing of opinions.  We celebrate the Costa Rican culture and the cultural diversity of all those representing their home country while here.  Harassment and discrimination are not tolerated.

To apply, please fill and submit the Research/Volunteer Application.

Questions? Email:

Please visit our blog site for monthly updates and photos on our volunteers and researchers, their projects, and other activities at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve.