Located in the beautiful Talamanca mountains next to Chirripó National Park, Cloudbridge Nature Reserve is a lush Cloud Forest and biodiverse paradise with waterfalls and somewhat steep hiking trails. We invite you to come and conduct research in the cloud forest, stay in our lovely rental accommodations, take a tour with our knowledgeable guides or bring your group for an educational experience! The reserve features enchanting waterfalls, towering old growth forest, and areas returning to their original healthy, rich condition.

There are a variety of recreational and educational options for guests, with many kilometers of well-marked and maintained hiking trails throughout 700 acres of cloud forest. Visit our Species List page for downloadable lists of the plants and animals found in the reserve.
Check in at the Welcome Center to learn more about the biodiversity of the Cloud Forest and which hiking trail will be best for your group. We invite day visitors to let us know about any wildlife they may see as part of a citizen science project, on a whiteboard in the Welcome Center or using a QR code. Our hours are from 7 am to 4 pm, the entrance fee for day visitors is 6000 colones per person, 3000 colones for Costa Ricans. Parking is available on-site, but be warned that the road is a remote mountain road, 4X4 is recommended. For smaller vehicles, parking is available 1 km away from the reserve, in Parqueo Pantera or the Hotel Uran.
Important / Importante:
Dogs are not allowed at Cloudbrige.
No se permiten perros.
(More Information / Más Información)
Day Visitors
Self-guided hikes along our well-marked trails are a wonderful way to enjoy the peace and splendor of our montane cloud forest. Or, if you prefer, you can take a guided tour with one of our naturalists (24 hours advance notice, subject to availability). If hiking isn’t your thing, you can visit our Memorial Garden and enjoy the many flowers, hummingbirds, and butterflies while listening to the roar of the Rio Chirripó below.
Cloudbridge Entry Fees:
- Tourists: $12.00 USD or ₡6 000 colones
- Children under 10 accompanied by parents: Free
- Costa Rican National Adults: ₡3 000 colones
Just a 5 minute walk from the entrance is the art studio and gallery of our resident artist, Linda Moskalyk. Linda, a former arborist, is a mixed media artist who’s work features environmental and conservation subjects. She is usually at the reserve during the months of November through April, so please stop in to see her current exhibit, discuss conservation and climate change issues, or pick up a card or some original art to take home. See Linda’s website for more information.
Group Visits
Cloudbridge offers several options for visiting groups including: interpretive tours, volunteer service projects, and study abroad programs. Group interpretive tours can be based on one of our standard tours (see the Tours page for details) or can be tailored to your interests.
Group volunteer service projects take place over single or multiple days and the type of projects vary depending on time of year and group interest. See the Group Volunteering page for more details.
Cloudbridge provides educational experiences to a variety of high schools, universities, and educational organizations through study abroad programs tailored to the needs of the individual student group. See the Study Abroad page for more details.
Overnight Guests
There are several cabins for rent within the reserve. Overnight guests have full access to all public and research-only trails. There is easy access to several waterfalls, the Rio Chirripó, and good swimming locations. You may even be fortunate enough to shadow a researcher as they go about their studies. Wake in the morning to mountain vistas, amazing wildlife and a magical sense of peace and tranquility. See the Accommodations page for more information.
Day and overnight visitors are encouraged to sign up for an interpretive tour with one of our naturalists, who will teach you about local flora and fauna, the history of the reserve, and our conservation efforts while pointing out the unique sights of the cloud forest. Several daytime tours as well as night tour are available. Larger groups are welcome to sign up for one of our standard tours or we can tailor the tour to your group’s interests. Possible group tour options include cloud forest flora and fauna, the local history of reforestation, global climate change, and other related topics. See the Tours page for more information.
Hiking Trails
Cloudbridge has a number of well-maintained hiking trails ranging in difficulty from moderate to strenuous, with hiking times ranging from 10 minutes to all day. One of our most spectacular waterfalls is only a 10 minute walk from the Welcome Centre.
See the Hiking Trails page for information on our public trails, including:
- Approximate hiking times,
- Difficulty,
- Trail descriptions, and;
- Maps.
Area Attractions
- Take a short walk to San Gerardo, a small mountain community (population 300) with restaurants, a general store, and regular bus service to San Isidro.
- Catch your dinner at a locally owned trout farm (Truchero Cocolisos).
- Swim in local warm springs (Aguas Termales GRVI).
- Trek to the peak of famous Mt. Chirripó (3,820 m or 12,228 ft), a moderately challenging two to three day hike through pristine cloud forest and, ultimately, páramo (tundra-like environment). On a clear day you can see both oceans from the summit. Trekkers must reserve in advance, which you can do here.
- Tour a sustainable organic cheese farm (Quesos Canaán).
Find out more
Questions? Contact info@cloudbridge.org.
Please visit our blog for monthly updates and photos on our volunteers and researchers, their projects, and other activities at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve.