The rainy season is coming to an end, and the Holidays are near. November has been a great month at the Reserve, with a lovely team of Volunteers and Researchers. One of the exciting activities that we are engaging in before the end of 2021 is a Fundraiser Campaign, to help Cloudbridge build a Research Lab. Please visit the website and support our efforts!
Most of our staff members at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve were able to participate in a Cardio-Pulmonary Reanimation course this month, as part of our ongoing safety and risk mitigation plans for the reserve.
We are happy to have Tom Gode back on the reserve. He has been spearheading some bromeliad-rescuing efforts and other fun projects around the reserve.
Birds at Cloudbridge
With the change of season in the Northern hemisphere, we are starting to see many migratory species who overwinter in Central America. This month has been phenomenal for birdwatching at Cloudbridge. Here is a small selection:
A night tour
Exploring the reserve at night is a wonderful opportunity to see another side of the Cloud Forest. Certain animals are much easier to see at night than during the day, especially amphibians.
Pics from around the reserve
Suggested Reading
- Earlier this month, leaders from countries around the world met in Glasgow for a conference of the parties on the important topic of climate change. Here is an abbreviated recap of the this major event.
- As shown in this conference, reaching consensus is rarely easy among multiple stakeholders, especially given the complexity of climate / environmental issues. An example of conflicting perspectives and struggling to find the way forward is described in this story about conflicting opinions regarding how best to protect vulnerable forests in California.
- Fiona Watson, advocacy director of Survival International, has been defending indigenous peoples’ lives and land for over 35 years. In this interview, she explains why the climate crisis is also a crisis of human diversity.
- And to close this blog, I would like to invite you to consider the environmental impact of your gift-giving this holiday season. As Annalese Griffin points out in this article: this is not about becoming a grinch or cancelling Christmas, but rather questioning our consumer mind-set. And might we also suggest, that a donation to Cloudbridge in the name of your loved ones will make a great gift!