Looking back on the previous year, we want to extend a very heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone that has visited the reserve this year and had a wonderful experience in the Cloud Forest. We have had some great researchers and volunteers this year, in addition to educational and volunteer groups, as well as guests in our lovely casitas, participants in our guided tours, and day visitors. Thank you to all who have provided support to Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, we are looking forward to seeing what the coming year will bring! This holiday season has been quite busy, with more visitors to the reserve for the high season, in addition to a great group of researchers and volunteers. We are happy to extend a warm welcome to Cloudbridge´s new director, Oscar Vasquez, who has assumed his task with an excellent disposition.
It is also worth extending a sincere THANK YOU to the Cloudbridge staff, who continue to do an excellent job keeping the reserve in good conditions. Steven and Oscar Valverde take a moment to smile for the camera while replacing bamboo railings on our trails.
As per usual, this month Cloudbridge program participants enjoyed various activities beyond research or volunteering, such as the delicious potluck dinners and helping out with the recycling.
Staff and program participants
We are very pleased to welcome our new executive director Oscar Vasquez to the reserve, thank you for all of your hard work, Oscar!
I am a biologist with a degree in Natural Resource Management. My early experience includes working as an assistant at the entomology lab in Universidad Nacional of Costa Rica (UNA), where I specialized in the taxonomy of aquatic insects, focusing on the genus Cloeodes sp. Later, I shifted my focus to urban river ecology, contributing to water quality improvement and watershed management. More recently I have been involved in environmental education for study abroad programs, and research on the use of water stable isotopes to evaluate water use efficiency, while maintaining my passion for the natural history of aquatic insects. Currently, I’m working as Cloudbridge Nature Reserve manager, where I look to contribute to conservation and growth of the reserve as a local reference for conservation, education and research (https://orcid.org/
Ken Watkins
Utah, United States of America
Interested in all facets of the natural world, though my particular expertise lies within avian research with an emphasis on species relationships in regards to habitat, bio-acoustics, and migration biology.
I’ve been involved in numerous single-species studies over the last 6 years, as well as more general habitat-based assessments of avian diversity in the western half of the United States and southern Canada. These projects have involved working for a number of organizations such as Utah and Colorado’s Division of Wildlife Resources, Arizona Fish & Game, Texas Parks and Wildlife, Hawk Watch International, and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies, among others.
At Cloudbridge, I am studying the Golden-winged Warbler on its wintering grounds within our three successional forest types, hoping to eventually implement the reserves successful reforestation efforts elsewhere throughout the tropics where this specific species is struggling. In turn, I hope to establish structure for not only the Golden-winged Warbler, but for all other species utilizing these critical habitat zones.
Additionally, I am running the long-term avian diversity monitoring at Cloudbridge through the pre-existing point count survey methods firmly established in 2013. I am also leading a suite of tours for guests here, including our general primary forest/cloud forest tours, nocturnal outings for interesting mammals and herps, and bird tours highlighting the wonderful diversity found here.
Pics from around the reserve
Suggested Reading
- Unfortunately it is not surprising that the past year has broken heat records around the globe, and it is self-evident that human health and well-being is impacted by climate change. However, it´s important to remember that our health and well-being is also impacted by biodiversity loss. This study looked at the effects of birdsong on people´s experience, with some fascinating results.
- It is always helpful to start off the year with good intentions to live a life more in line with our ideals, which include in many cases being more respectful of the environment. This article highlights various actions that we can all take to have a more gentle impact on the planet.
- Speaking of actions that will make a positive impact, sometimes small management changes can lead to very large benefits. This article describes how farmers in the US who allow wildflower strips to exist on their land in strategic locations are able to drastically reduce their soil erosion in addition to improving pollination and other benefits.