Planting trees again!

The rains have finally come again and Cloudbridge was able to fulfill some of it´s fundamental mission of tree-planting once more!  Our program participants and staff members had a great day hauling trees from our native nursery to Mark´s meadow, an area which was purchased in the last few years with the generous support of Mark Greenfield.  We would like to take the opportunity to extend a big thank you to all of the donors who have contributed to Cloudbridge over the years.  If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to Cloudbridge please visit our donate page or write to

Tom Gode has been planting trees at Cloudbridge for many years. It is quite fortunate that he was able to share his enormous wealth of knowledge with our program participants on this tree-planting day!  Photo credit: Olivia Evrard

We are pleased to continue offering the environmental education program CONUBI to two local schools this year.  This month the children participated in the module of «El agua y yo», in which they learned about a well-managed watershed vs. a poorly managed watershed, and how this will directly impact people´s health and well-being.

Program Participants

Hello, I’m India! I’m from the UK and I’m volunteering at Cloudbridge for a couple months. I recently finished my bachelor’s degree in Edinburgh and am hoping to do a master’s in environmental studies. In the meantime, I wanted to come and spend some time in this beautiful part of the world, supporting the research and conservation efforts that go on at Cloudbridge!

Hi, I’m Jo and I am a retired primary school teacher. I have always wanted to visit Costa Rica to see the abundance of wildlife for myself. As a volunteer for 3 weeks I have been included in every activity and have seen and learnt so much. The knowledge of the staff and interns is phenomenal!! I have been staying in the beautiful little Casita Colibri and would recommend a visit to anyone contemplating a Costa Rican trip.

Hi, we’re Rosie and Jake. We’re from the UK, and we met during our Ecology and Conservation master’s degree – we’ve loved travelling to the tropics and getting involved with conservation projects together ever since! We are interns at Cloudbridge, and our research project is focused on investigating rare feeding behaviour in hummingbirds.

Hi, I am Sophie and came to volunteer at Cloudbridge for 4 months. I just graduated in my Bachelor’s degree of multimedia and communication and am considering to move my focus to environmental science for my masters because of my great interest in the ecological field and the wish to later on work in a ecologically impactful way. Cloudbridge gives me a first chance to do so as well as getting to know the amazing nature and wildlife that Costa Rica has to offer.

Pics from around the reserve

The black-handed spider monkey is one of two species found at Cloudbridge. Photo credit: Casey McConnell
The other species is the white-faced capuchin. Photo credit: Casey McConnell
The squirrel cuckoo. Photo credit: Casey McConnell

Suggested Reading

  • Habitat and biodiversity loss is a crisis that must be addressed as urgently as the climate crisis, ideally in conjunction.  This article proposes an integrated framework for understanding and predicting the joint effects of climate change and urbanization on ecology, evolution and their eco-evolutionary interactions.
  • Throughout its extensive range, the muskrat has been a more subtle wetland architect than the larger beaver, but nonetheless quite important.  Their population decline in many areas is of great concern, as explored in this beautifully illustrated article.
  • Continuing with this theme of biodiversity and resilience, we would like to highlight this study, in which researchers found an increased resilience to adverse conditions in forests that have higher biodiversity.
  • For native people around the world, the connection with the land that they inhabit is quite strong.  This podcast episode titled «Alaska is the Center of Universe», will transport you to another time the storytelling of James Dommek Jr.
  • This month we are pleased to end on a positive note, sharing an article describing possible solutions to some of the problems exacerbated by climate change, as well as a video in Spanish that was recently published about holistic grasslands management (the English version is also available here).

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