March 2015





Ellie and Andrea wrapped up their time at Cloudbridge with a presentation on their bird point counts and camera trap surveys.

Research is still on-going for Kendell, Clarice, and Jasper.

Arriving from France, Noemie Soton will be studying sustainable farming in Costa Rica, and Emilie Kauffmann is researching frogs in various forest types.



Our volunteers this month are:

Malin Große-Heilmann – Germany

Jan Rosciszewski  – Germany

Helene Loy – GermanyHelene    

 Maxime Philibert – France

Milena Roxo – Brazil

Sian Clarke – England

ARO International – Quebec group of students


Their work:

Installed over 100 steps throughout the trail system

The Sentinel trail got improved access with more stone work

Maintenance around trees including weeding and mulching

Expansion of the parking lot

Completion of the hikers shelter at Rancho Don Victor

ARO volunteers working on trail steps
ARO volunteers working on trail steps
Aro volunteers
Aro volunteers


Mileno, Helene and Sian doing tree maintenance



In the welcome centre  two students from Costa Rica are helping on the weekends by providing information to visitors.

Maricela Billita is finishing her high school studies in San Gerardo.

Gabriel Arias is studying tourism at the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica – UNA

Gabriel and Marecela

Gabriel and Maricela









Community work:

Jenny Moss the director of Project San Gerardo organized an international conference on sustainable communities through the organization ‘Rose Charities’.  Tom Gode represented Cloudbridge on a panel discussing environmental stewardship.



Tom, speaking at the Rose Charities conference
Tom, speaking at the Rose Charities conference








A group from the conference hiking at Cloudbridge
A group from the conference hiking at Cloudbridge



This month we had many friends and family members visiting.

Jenny (Founder of the Reserve) and her partner Charles arrived along with friends from New York. Sue and Donn Critchell, Pat Bini and Louise Lebrun, intrepid hikers all. Pat declared that Cloudbridge was the highlight of their Costa Rican trip.

Sue, Donn, Pat, and Louise

Sue, Donn, Pat, and Louise



Linda And Jenny relaxing after a night hike up to the Gavalon cabin and a sleepover.  The view and the quiet up there in the remote cabin is spectacular.
Linda And Jenny relaxing after a night hike up to the Gavalon cabin and a sleepover. The view and the quiet up there in the remote cabin is spectacular.


Down town San Gerardo de Rivas
Down town San Gerardo de Rivas

Jenny’s comment “Seeing this horse tied up outside the Roca Dura reminded me of our early days in San Gerardo – only thirteen years ago! But then there were more steeds than SUVs in town.”


Linda’s family came for a surprise visit and spent the first week hiking the trails and just relaxing – happy to be out of the Canadian winter.











Tom also had a family visit.  His brother and sister in law from Florida came for their first visit to Costa Rica.



Matt Smokoska’s sisters came to Costa Rica to visit him again, but this trip they spent all of their time at the coast, close to the beaches.  While the girls were catching some rays, this is what Matt was catching:

Fer de Lance  on the Osa Penninsula
Fer de Lance on the Osa Peninsula

This was Matt’s last month at the reserve before he heads back to hopefully be employed again by the DNR in Michigan – looking after the wildlife a little further north.

Matt and Jasper hanging out in front of the casa.
Matt and Jasper hanging out in front of the casa.

Here are some more of Matt’s beautiful photos taken on the reserve:



Young trogons in their nest
Young trogons in their nest
Collared Trogon
Collared Trogon
Slate-Throated Redstart
Slate-Throated Redstart





Black-faced Solitaire


Tom and Linda went along on a last night hike with Matt.  This net-casting spider was one of the favourite finds that night. He is holding his unusual net or web waiting for the prey.  When prey approaches, the spider will stretch the net to two or three times its relaxed size and propel itself onto the prey, entangling it in the web.


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