December 2014





P1010855Watching the clouds invade the valley along the river can be a surreal experience.  The trees fade away at different levels and then reappear like ghosts as they emerge from the thick fog.  Simply sitting silently and witnessing this transformation is a great excuse for idleness!  Everyone needs moments like this.


Volunteers :

Bob Jacobs from Maine, USA  is back again this year to help out for at least 3 months.  His carpentry, electrical, and plumbing skills are being put to good use. He is rewiring some electrical nightmares, and is putting a new roof on one of the cabinas.

2014-12-31 08.36.29


Martin Havik of the Netherlands came for a visit to see the reserve and exchange information about forest conservation.  He and a few of his Dutch colleagues have invested in a reserve of their own on the Caribbean side of the country.  They are working with a turtle project while also preserving rainforest in an area that has been heavily deforested for fruit production.  Conserving forest in this area will provide a much needed corridor for wildlife.  For more information go to










Community participation:

We went down to the local community centre and helped make tamales for the annual festival.  There is a lot of work that goes into the making of this traditional food.


Emily washing banana leaves
Emily washing banana leaves
Oliver also washing leaves
Oliver also washing leaves
Sandra on the assembly line
Sandra on the assembly line












Find of the Month:

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This snail was found near Victor’s Falls


“Thank you”

As this year comes to an end we would like to thank all of the researchers, volunteers, and guests who spent time at the Cloudbridge Nature Reserve.  Your contributions and interest in working towards a better environment and a healthy planet will make a difference.   Because of you we have collected new data for our files,  educated many people about the significance of tropical forests,  added new benches along the trails, planted more trees, and discovered  species of birds and mammals that we hadn’t seen here before.

We look forward to 2015 with great excitement!

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